Assurant Canada

Have a Concern or Complaint?

Your Concerns

How to have your concerns addressed

At Assurant Canada1 we appreciate the opportunity to respond to our customers. Listening, understanding, and responding to our customer’s concerns helps us improve our products and services. Our goal is to provide timely, complete, and comprehensive responses. Working as a team, we handle our customers’ concerns with a consistent high standard of customer service, resolving most at the first point of contact.

Step 1 - Let us Know

If you have a concern, please contact a Customer Service Associate by mail, phone, or fax. Our Customer Service Associates will work hard to resolve your concern to your satisfaction.

Credit Related Insurance and Warranties
Claims and Customer Service Department
a: 1945 King Street East, Suite 100, Hamilton, Ontario L8K 1W2
p: 1-800-361-5344 (Eng) or 1-800-661-5800 (Fr)
f: 1-800-645-9405

Step 2 – Talk to Management

If you are not satisfied with the solution you receive from the Customer Service Associate in Step 1, the Customer Service Associate will offer to elevate your concern to management, communicating the relevant details on your behalf. Alternatively, you may contact management using the contact information noted above.

Step 3 – Still Not Satisfied

If your concern remains unresolved after you have followed Steps 1 and 2, you may contact Assurant Canada’s internal Complaints Liaison Officer. The Complaints Liaison Officer is dedicated to resolving disputes fairly and professionally. The Complaints Liaison Officer will review your particular situation and determine the appropriate next steps, directing it to the appropriate business area for investigation and response. You may contact the Complaints Liaison Officer in writing or by phone:

Attention: Complaints Liaison Officer, Assurant Canada
a: 5000 Yonge Street, Suite 2000, Toronto, ON M2N 7E9
p: 1-800-561-3232 ext 4666019
e: [email protected]

Step 4 – External Recourse

If your concern has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you may have it reviewed by a third party.

For life and health related issues:
The Ombudservice for Life & Health Insurance (OLHI)
a: 2 Bloor St. West, Suite 700,  Toronto, ON M4W 3E2
p: 1-888-295-8112 (toll free); 416-777-9002 (Toronto); 514-282-2088 (Montreal)
f: 416-777-9750

For property & casualty insurance related issues:
General Insurance Ombudservice (GIO)
a: 4711 Yonge Street, 10th Floor, Toronto, ON M2N 6K8
p: 1-877-225-0446 (toll free)
f: 416-299-4261

Quebec - Authorité des marches financiers (AMF)
a: Service du traitement des plaintes et de l’assistance
    800, square Victoria, 22e étage
    C.P. 246, tour de la Bourse
    Montréal (Québec) H4Z 1G3
p: 1 877 525-0337 (toll free)
f: 1 877 285-4378 (toll free)

For consumer provision complaints:
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC)
a: Enterprise Building, 6th Floor , 427 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, ON K1R 1B9
p: 1-866-461-3222

For warranty product related issues:

Ministry of Consumer Affairs


For privacy related issues:
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC)
a: 30, Victoria Street, Gatineau, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 1H3
p: 1-800-282-1376
e: [email protected]

For a printable version of Assurant Canada’s Full Complaint Handling Process, please download the PDF.

1 Assurant Services Canada Inc., American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida, and American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida, and their subsidiaries and affiliates, carry on business in Canada under the name of Assurant®.